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De bewuste vrijdag zou de naam black friday hebben gekregen omdat ondernemers hun verkoopcijfers steevast 'sky high' zien gaan. Get huge discounts on electronics (tvs, laptops & consoles), smart home the 27th of november is the day to bag your black friday deals. Blackfriday.com is supported by savers like you.
Black friday 2020 äger rum den 27 november.
Black friday 2020 will kick off on friday as black friday deals will move online, brick and mortar retailers are going to be competing against digital giants like amazon, ebay and even newegg. Der black friday findet stets einen tag nach dem erntedankfest in amerika statt. Durante black friday se compra un promedio 3,4 productos por persona en chile. Black friday, is the friday immediately after thanksgiving when retailers begin the holiday shopping season.