Download 42 Million Dead In Bloodiest Black Friday Pictures. .indicate that more than 42 million americans were killed this past weekend in what is now believed to be the bloodiest black friday shopping event in the level of bloodshed this year was almost beyond imagination—no prior black friday could have prepared us for this, said national guard. 42 million dead in bloodiest black friday weekend on record might contain content that is not suitable for all ages.
The onion is pretty obviously a parody newspaper (one article at the top of the page has a headline that reads 42 million dead in bloodiest black friday weekend on record) although you wouldn't get a sense of it from the article (kim jong un named sexiest man alive).
I love the stories they write here. According to many news reports this year's black friday seems to have been a success, with shoppers spending more than 11 billion dollars in stores fortunately, no one was killed although the american humor magazine, the onion, ran an article headlined, 42 million dead in bloodiest black friday. Timeline of thanksgiving/42 million dead in bloodiest black friday weekend on record. Records show that the elections board received an absentee ballot from a frances reckhow of staten island, a registered democrat.